About the Event

In an era of rapid technological advancement, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies into governance frameworks has the potential to revolutionize the way societies are governed. The 14th AfICTA eConference will delve into the transformative role of AI and emerging technology in shaping governance, promoting transparency, ensuring accountability, and driving digital transformation, with a special focus on its impact on digital transportation.

As societies become increasingly digitized, the need for effective governance mechanisms becomes paramount. AI and emerging technologies offer unprecedented opportunities to enhance decision-making processes, optimize resource allocation, and improve service delivery in various sectors. By leveraging these technologies, governments can foster greater transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement, while also addressing key challenges in digital transportation.

The 14th Quarterly eConference of Africa ICT Alliance - AfICTA would examineRole of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technology in Governance, Transparency, Accountability, and Digital Transformation" whereby the discussion would be geared toward the following objectives; 1. To explore the role of AI and emerging technology in transforming governance structures and processes. 2. To examine how these technologies can enhance transparency and accountability in government operations. 3. To discuss the potential of AI and emerging technology to drive digital transformation in transportation systems. 4. To highlight best practices and case studies showcasing successful implementations of AI and emerging technology in governance and digital transportation. 5. To identify challenges and opportunities associated with the adoption of AI and emerging technology in governance and digital transportation. 6. To foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among stakeholders to harness the full potential of AI and emerging technology in advancing governance, transparency, accountability, and digital transportation.

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We would like to respectfully request your support for the efforts of AfICTA to foster Africa's development. We have several sponsorship options available, and we would be grateful for any support you can provide. In return, we would offer you a number of benefits and opportunities. Thank you for your consideration.

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Webinar Objectives

. To explore the role of AI and emerging technology in transforming governance structures and processes.
. 4. To highlight best practices and case studies showcasing successful implementations of AI and emerging technology in governance and digital transportation.
. To examine how these technologies can enhance transparency and accountability in government operations.
. To identify challenges and opportunities associated with the adoption of AI and emerging technology in governance and digital transportation.
. To discuss the potential of AI and emerging technology to drive digital transformation in transportation systems.
. To foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among stakeholders to harness the full potential of AI and emerging technology in advancing governance, transparency, accountability, and digital transportation.

Resource Persons


MS. RACHAEL SHITANDAAfICTA Deputy Chair & Vice-Chair, East Africa


DR. LUCY MUTHONIFulbright Scholar, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology USA
DR. MWASAGA NKUNDWEThe Director General, ICT Commission Tanzania
MS. TIGIST AWOKESr. Data Consultant & Founder, Awoke Technologies


Date and Time

March 28, 2024, | 9:00 am UTC Check your local time here

9:00am (UTC)

Welcome Remarks [5mins]

Opening Remarks by the Host.

Ms. Ulandi ExnerChair, AfICTA

9:06 am (UTC)

Introduction [10mins]

Moderator - Ms. Rachael Shitanda Introduces all speakers.

9:06 am (UTC)

9:16am (UTC)

Panel Discussion [50mins]

Panel Discussion

Ms. Rachael Shitanda
AfICTA Deputy Chair & Vice-Chair, East Africa

Panelists:                                            Duration

Dr Mwasaga Nkundwe           (15 mins)
The Director General, ICT Commission Tanzania

Dr. Lucy Muthoni            (15 mins)
Fulbright Scholar, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology USA

Ms. Tigist Awoke            (15 mins)
Sr. Data Consultant & Founder, Awoke Technologies

10:06am (UTC)

Q & A Session [20mins]

10:06am (UTC)


Closing Remarks [5mins]

Closing Remarks by the Deputy Chair, AfICTA
Ms. Rachael Shitanda

How to join the webinar?

Questions about the webinar can be directed to info@aficta.africa