About the Event

As the world becomes more intertwined through the power of technology and digitalization, the need to perform operations and manage daily activities effectively to gain competitiveness and be positioned for the myriad of opportunities that are widely accessible also becomes crucial. AI - Artificial Intelligence as one of the emerging technologies has been found worthy in providing automation,  data analysis, risk management assessment for businesses, and governance of economies.

Additionally, AI is emerging as a critical driver of innovation and growth. Artificial Intelligence plays a pivotal role in governance and digital transformation by revolutionizing how governments operate, interact with citizens, and deliver services. By leveraging AI technologies, governments can enhance efficiency, transparency, and decision-making across various domains ranging from predictive analytics for policy planning to chatbots for citizen engagement, to resource allocation optimization and improved service delivery in various sectors. AI is reshaping governance in profound ways, enabling more responsive and citizen-centric administrations, while also addressing key challenges in digital transformation

The 15th Quarterly eConference of Africa ICT Alliance - AfICTA which also serves as a follow-up edition to the 14th edition would examine “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Transformation: North African Context" whereby the discussion would be geared toward the following objectives; 1. To explore the role of AI and emerging technology in transforming governance structures and processes. 2. To examine how these technologies can enhance transparency and accountability in government operations. 3. To discuss the potential of AI and emerging technology to drive digital transformation in transportation systems. 4. To highlight best practices and case studies showcasing successful implementations of AI and emerging technology in governance and digital transformation. 5. To identify challenges and opportunities associated with the adoption of AI and emerging technology in governance and digital transformation. 6. To foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among stakeholders to harness the full potential of AI and emerging technology in advancing governance, transparency, accountability, and digital transformation. 7. To Examine the current state of AI in North Africa, highlighting success stories and challenges...

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We would like to respectfully request your support for the efforts of AfICTA to foster Africa's development. We have several sponsorship options available, and we would be grateful for any support you can provide. In return, we would offer you a number of benefits and opportunities. Thank you for your consideration.

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Webinar Objectives

. To explore the role of AI and emerging technology in transforming governance structures and processes.
. 4. To highlight best practices and case studies showcasing successful implementations of AI and emerging technology in governance and digital transportation.
. To examine how these technologies can enhance transparency and accountability in government operations.
. To identify challenges and opportunities associated with the adoption of AI and emerging technology in governance and digital transportation.
. To discuss the potential of AI and emerging technology to drive digital transformation in transportation systems.
. To foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among stakeholders to harness the full potential of AI and emerging technology in advancing governance, transparency, accountability, and digital transportation in North Africa.

Resource Persons


DR. HODA NOFALHR & Monitoring Business Lead


ENGR. MOHAMED HOSNYDigital Transformation Executive, HUAWEI


Date and Time

July 2, 2024, | 9:00 am UTC Check your local time here

9:00am (UTC)

Welcome Remarks [5mins]

Opening Remarks by the Host.

Ms. Ulandi ExnerChair, AfICTA

9:06 am (UTC)

Introduction [10mins]

Moderator - Dr. Hoda Nofal Introduces the speaker.

9:06 am (UTC)

9:16am (UTC)

Presentation [40mins]


Dr. Hoda Nofal
Business Development Team Leader, EiTESAL

Presenter:                                            Duration

Engr. Mohamed Hosny          (40 mins)
Digital Transformation Executive, HUAWEI

09:56am (UTC)

Q & A Session [30mins]

09:56am (UTC)


Closing Remarks [5mins]

Closing Remarks by the Deputy Chair, AfICTA
Ms. Rachael Shitanda

How to join the webinar?

Questions about the webinar can be directed to info@aficta.africa