AfICTA Proposal Selected among other Proposals for the 14th IGF Meeting in Berlin



The outcome of the workshop proposal review and selection process conducted by IGF- Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Group (IGF-MAG) on overall 431 submitted workshop proposals, has revealed that approximately 60 proposals have sailed through among which is AfICTA proposal "#293 Unlocking the Digital Potential of the DLDC Countries".

According to the group, MAG's selection process this year looked at proposals' cohesion with one another under each of the three major themes for 2019: Data Governance; Digital Inclusion; and Safety, Security, Stability & Resilience. With a view to creating thematic tracks and reducing overall redundancy, the number of selected workshops was limited to approximately 20 per theme.

The Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) will be hosted by the Government of Germany in Berlin from 25 to 29 November 2019 under the overarching theme: One World. One Net. One Vision. Participants who are willing to attend but require funding support are to apply here on or before Sunday 30th June, 2019.

Participant registration page opens soon...

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