Membership Benefits
- Access to a global network of ICT professionals and organizations, providing opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing;
- A platform to advocate for the interests of businesses and individuals in the ICT sector, both locally and internationally;
- Opportunities to participate in training and capacity development, helping members to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends;
- Your logo on all our event pages (Summits and Quarterly eConferences) as a Co-sponsor with link to your official website;
- Opportunity to vote and be voted for as a corporate entity during elections and other issues of concern;
- Access to serve on AfICTA board and by extension Executive Committee and other working groups of interest;
- Strong promotion and support of your events;
- Promotion of your products and services on AfICTA platforms (website, social media, fortnight newsletter etc);
- Opportunity to represent AfICTA in local and international organizations and meetings;
- Issuance of Certificate of membership;
- Access to speak on topical issues during AfICTA events and promote your business;
- Access to participate in AfICTA's Annual General Meetings - AGMs.
- Advocacy and Liaison with National Government in support of member initiatives
- Promote the value of ICTs in national government service delivery
- Assist with the development of e-governance strategies and policies
- Partner in developing incubators and technology parks
- Advise in developing appropriate tax policies
- Advise on procurement policies to support local industry
- Lobbying for appropriate legislation and regulations in AU, national & regional parliaments
- Product and Service Endorsements on a continental level
- Endorsement of your new and other product/s
- Endorsement of services
- Identification of Business Opportunities
- Encouraging intra-African business opportunity MOUs
- Share Tender databases for International bids
- Provide advisory for International tenders
- Network through global partners
- Publish African news and market intelligence
- Conducting Research
- Annual Survey of the African ICT Sector
- Target reports on specific markets
- Participate in international data collection and research
- Strengthening the African Brand
- Participation in the UN, ICANN, ITU, ICC, and other ICT events throughout the year
- Strong promotion and support of member in-country events
- Run Annual ICT Awards
- Generate Media Participation and Coverage of ICT issues
- Providing membership services
- Mails on topical issues
- Regular E-Newsletter
- Annual Summit of Members
- Members Directory
- Discounts for events and publications (to get the membership fees back in the shortest time)
- ICT industry mediation and arbitration (cut down legal costs and maintains the credibility of the industry by keeping matters out of court)
- Managing the URL
- Members ICT News in the Press
- International Technology News
- Member news and success stories
- Member Directory
- Hot links
- Forum for African ICT Community
- Promotion of member products and services on the web
- Opportunities in global Associations
- Steering Committee Membership of WITSA, WEF
- Membership of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
- Membership of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) key constituencies (e.g Business)
- Participation in the WSIS Process
- Partnering with Stakeholders (e.g. Universities/ Civil Society/ ICT Users)
- Providing opportunities for industry-academia synergy
- Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Promoting business-civil society engagement
- Events and Development Program
- The Alliance organizes summits, workshops, and continuous Professional development in collaboration with member national associations.