AfICTA Advisory Council
Dr. Jimson Olufuye (Chairman)
Designation: CEO, Kontemporary Konsulting Ltd & Founder/fmr Chair, AfICTA
Nationality: Nigeria
Engr. Hossam Elgamal
Designation: CEO IKEN / fmr. Chair AfICTA
Nationality: Egypt
Prof (Mrs) Nike Osofisan
Designation: frm. President, Computer Professional Registration Council of Nigeria
Nationality: Nigeria
Mr. Paul Rowney
Designation: AfICTA Former Deputy Chair
Nationality: Namibia
As a fervent advocate for digital inclusion, Mr. Paul Rowney is deeply committed to harnessing the power of technology and innovation to bridge the digital gap. With extensive experience collaborating with governments, NGOs, and IGOs, he has actively championed connectivity for development and the creation of inclusive digital solutions... Read more
Engr. Atef Helmy (Vice-Chairman)
Designation: Patron and Former Minister of CIT Egypt
Nationality: Egypt
With more than 40 years of solid experience in business and in communications & information technology, Eng. Helmy lead numerous executive management positions in two Fortune 100 companies, namely NCR/AT&T and Oracle in the United States, Europe, Middle East, and Africa, reaching the positions of Managing Director of NCR UAE, Managing Director of Oracle Egypt, and Chairman of Orange Egypt. He has also contributed to the development of the digital society in Egypt and MEA... Read more
Engr. Lanre Ajayi
Designation: Founding Board Member/fmr. President ATCON
Nationality: Nigeria
He worked for the Nigeria Telecommunications Ltd (NITEL) for 11 years... Read more
Mr. Thabo Mashegoane
Designation: AfICTA Immediate Past Chair & Chief IT Architect, Eskom
Nationality: South Africa
Dr. Waudo Siganga
Designation: AfICTA Former Vice-Chair, East Africa
Nationality: Kenya
He has previously served in the UN Working Group on Internet... Read more
Issued Advisories
Year 2021 - 2024
AfICTA Advisory Council Advisory to the AfICTA Board
Ref: AAC/002/2022
The Africa Information and Communication Technologies Alliance (AfICTA) Advisory Council (AAC) had its second virtual meeting on Thursday 12 May 2022. The AAC issued the following advisories afterward in line with the Section 6.13 of the AfICTA Constitution.
The Advisory Council:
- Appreciates the Board of Directors under the leadership of the Chairman, Mr. Thabo Mashegoane, his deputy,Mr. Paul Rowney, the Vice-Chairmen, and the Secretariat for the efforts channeled to achieving the advisory issued after the Advisory Council’s inaugural meeting.
- Appreciates all members of AfICTA especially those in good-standing for providing the required support for the growth of AfICTA over the years. Notable for mention are Kontemporary Konsulting Ltd, the Institute of IT Professionals of South Africa (IITPSA), the Egyptian Information Technology, Electronics & Software Alliance (EITESAL), the Computer Society of Kenya (CSK), the Association of Telecommunication Companies of Nigeria (ATCON), the Egyptian Government through the Ministry of ICT and the Nigerian Government through the Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy among many others.
- Appreciates all partners for their continuous collaboration towards the realization of mutual objectives. Notable for mention is the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Business Constituency.
- Considers AfICTA's brand and name “Africa Information and Communication TechnologyAlliance” is till relevant and could remain unchanged for the time being and that the board AfICTA further build the brand and put in place further frameworks that could attract sponsors, partners and donors toward a more sustained AfICTA.
and thus advises that:
- All AfICTA Award winners be brought together under one roof as a way to foster synergy of ideas for the greatest impact for the African people. The group would also be another pool of knowledge from which AfICTA could draw.
- The board strategizeson the promotion of prompt business partnerships between members and their National Associations’ Members in order to leverage successes that have been achieved in theirdifferent countries.
- More efforts be channeled into sustaining the values of the Africa Knowledge Hub
Signed on behalf of AAC,
Dr. Jimson Olufuye Engr. Atef Helmy
Chairman, AAC Vice-Chairman, AAC
AfICTA Advisory Council Advisory to the AfICTA Board
Ref: AAC/003/2023
The Africa Information and Communication Technologies Alliance (AfICTA) Advisory Council (AAC) had its fourth virtual meeting on Tuesday 14 November 2023. The AAC issued the following advisories afterward in line with Section 6.13 of the AfICTA Constitution.
The Advisory Council:
- Appreciates the Board of Directors under the leadership of the Chair, Thabo Mashegoane and Deputy Chair, Mr. Paul Rowney and all the Vice Chairs and the Secretariat for the efforts channeled to achieving the previous advisories issued.
- Appreciates all members of AfICTA especially those in good-standing for providing the required support for the growth of AfICTA over the years. Notable for mention are Kontemporary Konsulting Ltd, the Institute of IT Professionals of South Africa (IITPSA), the Egyptian Information Technology, Electronics & Software Alliance (EITESAL), the Computer Society of Kenya (CSK), Main One, Afenoid Enterprise Ltd, Kenya Wildlife Services, Digisphere Ltd, D.A.P.T, Diamond Security Consultancy, among many others.
- Appreciates all partners for their continuous collaboration towards the realization of mutual objectives. Notable for mention are the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)/ Business Constituency, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the African Union (AU), the Egyptian Government through the Ministry of ICT and the Nigerian Government through the Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy, NITDA-National IT Development Agency and NCC- Nigeria Communication Commission, and Galaxy Backbone Ltd, among many others.
The Advisory Council deliberated on the possibility of gaining from the wealth of knowledge of its distinguished ICT Champions that cut across all the award categories in AfICTA.
The Advisories
AAC thus advises that:
- There should be established a fellowship of ICT Champions cutting across all the AfICTA award categories which would meet from time to time to deliberate on strategies to move Africa's digital ecosystem forward.
- AfICTA appoints for a 2 terms, 2 Coordinators of the Fellowship who would be selected from the Northern and Southern parts of Africa with the recommendation of at least one being a French speaker to fast-track the engagement of french speaking stakeholders in Africa.
- AfICTA considers the adoption of the suffix fAfICTA, fellow of Africa ICT Alliance as suffix for the Champions
- A list of beneficiaries may be kept and updated regularly on the AfICTA website
- Capacity Development Professional workshops be organised in tandem with AfICTA summits and in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
Signed on behalf of AAC,
Dr. Jimson Olufuye Engr. Atef Helmy
Chairman, AAC Vice-Chairman, AAC
Section 6.13 Advisors
The members of the Advisory Council of the Alliance shall be former Chairmen of the Alliance, and any former Director of the Alliance who has contributed immensely to the growth of the Alliance and was voted to join the Advisory Council at any Board of Directors Meeting of the Alliance. Membership of the Advisory Council shall not exceed nine (9) people at any given time. An advisor may be removed by 2/3 votes of members of the board of Directors who are in good standing. The members of the advisory council shall serve for no more than Nine (9) years subject to annual affirmation to the board of their availability at least 30 days prior to the AGM. The Advisors shall serve in an advisory capacity to the board