AfICTA 11th AwardsWinners Have EmergedSee the Winners:https://aficta.africa/about-us/award-winners
ICT Champion Award Nominees
Mr Kashifu Inuwa Abudullahi

Designation: Director General, National Information Technology Development Agency - NITDA
Nationality: FCT, Nigeria
Implementation of a paperless office at NITDA
Establishment of Cyber Security Department
Establishment of the Centre for Robotics and AI
ICT training for Youths in all geo-political zones of Nigeria
Mr Ahmed Wattar

Designation: Group Information Technology Director, Alfa Medical Group
Nationality: Cairo, Egypt
As we all know healthcare sector is a critical growing sector and it must always offer top-notch technologies, that offer ease and flexibility for our clients (Patients) in the end it is human life and health at stake so we must always offer none stop premium services, and as we have a patient orientated owner and top management which they believe that customers must always come first;
My challenge was to change the mindset of management on the role of IT changing their look to IT as a service department and making them believe in the role of IT as a backbone that drives and enables any successful business, transforming their mindset to look to IT as a profit and enabler department.
Therefore, we invested a huge amount of money and time to make these projects happen which is revamping all IT infrastructure into one top-notch state-of-the-art technology new datacenter.
As an IT leader, I had to translate the business goals into actions that can be taken by IT to facilitate the business reaching those goals through us as the IT department team, Below are the key points that made this project beneficial for AMG and transformed the whole business and the services we offer to both our customers & end-users, strengthening our IT team image and role in front of (Management, End-users, and customers):
• This project transformed the business from a physical environment to a virtual one, making us have our own on-prem private cloud, adding much more fixability for IT to serve and execute the business's growing needs with ease and speed.
• This new data center was built on (Tire 4) data center standards which offer redundancy and availability of each aspect there is in IT infrastructure from (Electricity sources, electricity backup USPs, Power supply redundancy, redundant cooling, Network & connection redundancy, servers, and storage availability & redundancy, continuous backup and monitoring), all of that with top equipment and software provided by top vendors there is in the market.
• The virtualization solution offered us flexibility and speed 10x times the older physical environment which impacted both users and our customer's provided services, increasing their service satisfaction levels significantly.
• The virtualization solution made us avoid a lot of costs, buying new servers by giving us the chance to use un-utilized compute resources, having extra resources to have both (Disaster Recovery Site) and (Development & DMZ Zones) that we didn’t have before with no need to buy more hardware.
• The huge investment in network devices (Parameter firewalls, data center firewalls, branch firewalls, NAC, and core and edge switches) made us have multiple layers of security to apply to both employees and end users, internally and externally.
• Additional investment in endpoint solutions and security monitoring solutions added even more security layers to protect both business investments and patient data.
In conclusion, these projects reflected on both “End-users and our patients” as their XLA KPIs increased significantly, as systems, Laboratory, and Radiology results were much easier to access and had significantly increased in terms of response, and reflected the whole business itself in terms of profit.
Dr Mohamed Hamed

Designation: Chief Technology Officer, Ceramica Platino
Nationality: Cairo, Egypt
C-Level Technology Consultant. Well experience with 25 years in the information technology and security Executive Management Positions, As I have been exposed to many aspects of Information Technology, I have acquired knowledge in most IT infrastructure solutions.
I would thrive when challenged by new IT ideas and innovative applications of technology Specialties:
IT infrastructure solutions in (Artificial intelligence / Internet of Things (IoT) / Machine learning / digital transformation ) , with all Microsoft Systems & Applications, Oracle Applications and SAP Applications.
- I have strong technical and business qualifications, i have experience with different industries including Hospitality, manufacturing, Fintech, Medical, Food, Travel and Booking, LMS , and E-commerce.
* I have experience in creating strategies, and road maps and executing projects and programs, running day-to-day operations, i have a unique mix of being familiar with large companies ، medium size and startups.
- I have strong knowledge Network Active and Passive components, Computer technical support and troubleshooting, Cisco, Mikrotik, Ubiquiti, Fortinet technologies, Microsoft Messaging Systems, hotel applications Wireless networks, (CCTV/IP) Cams, telephony systems(VoIP/PBX) any other used software, Identify current and future system needs and provide. Solutions to match them, fully understand the legal requirements on IT governance and security. For any IT projects costing/Planning will be an add-on to contributing to increasing the business value by developing the actions, E-commerce strategies and digital marketing to grow property revenues, Creating and maintaining the I.T Budgets, I.T JOB Descriptions, I.T-Operations guide, For a Long term vision and strategic plans to assist effectively running the Information technology operation in addition to growth the business markets results.
Mr Hossam Barakat

Designation: General Manager, Egypt Gas
Nationality: Cairo, Egypt
Praise be to God, I love my work and know its value completely, and I used to work in a spirit of seriousness and diligence with a team that loves work and achievement
Life is ambition and as long as you have a goal, you will achieve it with perseverance, focus, flexibility, and persistence. It was the most of my happiness to achieve my ambition after a long journey of fatigue and challenges; experiences, errors, and failings, and also full of love and passion for everything new in the world of information and communication technology.
From the foregoing, I was one of the founders of the information center in the company, and I am proud of the achievements, as I was able with time, alongside the team that worked with passion and love for technology, to contribute to raising the wheel of production and also raising the company’s reputation and placing it in an advanced position.
Ms Thoko Miya

Designation: Member Board Of Directors, ISOC-ZA
Nationality: Cape Town, South Africa
Thokozile P. Miya is a phenomenal women, a woman of grace, a woman of fortitude and a woman who is not afraid to experiment but at the core of her being, at the drumbeat of her heart, she is a woman who inspires women. Thokozile P. Miya would be a worthy recipient of the Fabulous Woman of the Year Award, the Pull Her Up (Sisterhood) Award, and or of the Humanitarian Award.
A woman who does good for other women with no incentive involved. A renegade soldier-sister for the upliftment and advancement of girls. She is a giver – she gives with her whole heart and soul and mind. A die hard feminist, a humanitarian, a women’s rights and an advocate for the rights of girls from all around the world – especially from the kasi. This young woman has dedicated the entire length and span of her career as a female professional to the advancement of women and girls from all around the world, From South Africa and the USA.
Empowering women through technology by teaching them code, acquiring tech jobs and tech-startup internships for post-matric school leavers and unemployed youth from the township, bootstrapping school material through her own funds and running exciting mentorship projects and programmes for young woman. Her work with high school girls in Cape Town is entirely out of the goodness of her heart.
She bears and earns no reward for the work she does and relies entirely on her good charm and spirit to continue making money for her organisations to continue to flourish. Thokozile truly embodies a humanitarian and all round Fabulous Woman. She would be a worthy recipient of a Fabulous Woman award and this nomination goes to say thank you to her for the hard work that she does. To let her know that there are people watching and that we salute her for her hard work. I nominate her for her
selfless courage as a young woman, not only for her patient dedication but for her selfless love of her mentee high-school girls.
As the current Programme Director at Girlhype NPC, working in her field of qualifications as a journalist, media and marketing coordinator and following in her passion of opening up her own business, Thokozile P. Miya is growing from strength to strength as a young woman but nothing she has ever done has she done alone and she gives a lot of credit. She has a team of supportive mentors, women in business and female networks which look out for her and her students at Girlhype (www.girlhype.co.za ). She goes out of her way to make sure that they have nothing but the best. This April she gave away donated matric dance dresses to young women from Khayelitsha Townships and Mitchelles Plain Cape Flats because she believes that every young woman
deserves a chance at life and at attending their school leaving ceremony. A kind and naturally spirited mentor and mentee who always has the next generation of girls at heart. The dresses were donated by the women of BriteHouse to Girlhype Fairy Code Mother Project and are part of an ongoing series of donation activities organized by Thoko planned to go on throughout the
With her mom Baratang Miya, Thoko has helped to train 1000’s of young women in technology. Teaching them how to code in HTML, CSS and C++ (building websites) and in JavaScript, PHP, React, (teaching them how to build mobile applications, websites and games) and empowering them with the new, unique and innovative technologies and opportunities which are present in today’s world. This young woman believes that with the 4th industrial revolution technology is the future of the world and that if not enough is done to ensure that this technology revolution includes women and girls, there will
be no future for our generations of girls within the technology industrializing world. Her work is really selfless.
Thokozile lives for the advancement of women all around the world. Making sure that every young woman she meets is put in contact with a mentor in industry and that each and every one of them walks the path in life which allows for them to be at their very greatest. Thokozile is a mentor, a friend and companion to 100’s of young women from Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain areas in Cape Town South Africa, teaching them how to code but also providing the young girls with what she has dubbed the experience of learning. In many of her talks she talks about being educated and self-educated from being a rebel youth and how when she found out the power of technology she was very interested. When she started working she saw that not many of the girls around her had access to understanding what work is and eventually came to realize that learning has got to be experiential.
This is at the core of what she advocates for in an experiential learning tech based curriculum. Travelling to schools during the week teaching coding classes. Speaking to principals and business women to make sure that the next generation of girls is well looked after. Thokozile really works with and mentors many young girls through life and her efforts are without recognition or attempt. She, is a very poised young lady
A unique opportunity presents itself as a female from a previously disadvantaged background having educated herself. A rebel for change and an advocate for women’s rights. Thoko provides the next generation of women and girls with the tools and accessories they need in order for them to be able to reach their full potential and she is great because she provides them this opportunity in every sphere of their lives.
The class room is a personal environment to her. Really – she is a role model to them. She holds them all to high regard and hope to allow them all to grow and become the people they want to be through me and through the other women around me. She hopes to be able to bridge the gap for every young woman to be able to be her absolute best self in every way that she can be, despite her circumstances. I think her hope for every young woman to be able to grow and become a success is highly
I believe that every young woman should have the chance to have their work looked towards and that there is a lot of potential for there to be mentorship and opportunity of young women in technology – through mentorship and skills. Thoko believes in creating a life beyond their wildest dreams and that’s the wonderful thing about her, why I am nominating her. She is passionate. Please consider this young woman for the award. She is really brilliant at what she does.
Mr Mactar Seck

Designation: Senior Economic Affairs Officer, UNECA
Nationality: Dakar, Senegal
Dr. Mactar Seck is a distinguished leader in the fields of telecommunications, ICT4D, Digital Inclusion & Gender Mainstreaming, SMMEs, Digital Financial Services, and STI., boasting a career that spans over two decades. Renowned for his unwavering commitment to digital policy strategy, regulatory frameworks, and Internet governance, Dr. Seck has solidified his status as a trailblazer in Africa’s digital transformation. His extensive portfolio includes a deep understanding of digital infrastructure, capacity building, and advanced technologies, ranging from nanotechnology and IoTs to Artificial Intelligence, emphasizing his pivotal role as an innovative force in the dynamic digital landscape
Mr Robinson Tombari Sibe

Designation: Co-Founder, CEO & Lead Forensic Examiner Digital Footprints Nig. Ltd
Nationality: Nigeria
1. Appointed Doctoral Dissertation Chair of Cybersecurity at Capitol Technology University, Maryland, USA (February 2023).
2. Delivered two Lectures to Masters and Undergraduate students of Cybersecurity at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA (March 2023).
3. Delivered Lecture at the Cybersecurity Workshop, Abuja, organized by the Nigeria Computer Society. Lecture topic - What, Where, When, Who, and How: Reconstructing Events with Digital Forensics. (March 2023)
4. Led the team at Digital Footprints that delivered on a Data Recovery project for Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC). The project involved data recovery from over 100 servers from defunct banks in liquidation, and the development of an application to manage recovered data. This exercise was critical for the NDIC to perform the critical task of claims settlement. This is the first time data recovery was done in Nigeria at such a large scale in a single project (February 2023)
5. Led the team at E-Sense Technologies to deliver on a project for the design of a GIS-based Management Information System for the North East Development Commission. This is a world bank funded project. (July 2023).
6. Lecture and supervise projects in Digital Forensics and cybersecurity, at the National Open University. This is done pro bono as part my contribution to bridge the cybersecurity skills gap in Nigeria.
7. Lead Facilitator in Cybercrime investigation training for Cybercrime unit of the Nigeria Police Force. This was done pro bono as part of Digital Footprint’s corporate social responsibility, to boost the forensic capability and readiness of the Nigeria Police Force. (January 2023).
8. Lead Facilitator for a training for the Cybercrime Unit of the Federal Ministry of Justice. This was done pro bono as part of Digital Footprint’s corporate social responsibility, to boost the forensic capability and readiness of the justice system. (February 2023).
9. Delivered the Keynote at the International Conference and Workshop on Cybersecurity, University of Lagos.
10. Became a Fellow of the Nigeria Society of Engineers.
11. Became an EC-Council Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO).
12. Became a PECB Certified Trainer
13. Became a PECB Lead Forensic Examiner
14. Became a PECB Certified Chief Information Security Officer
15. Certificate of Achievement: iOS Forensics with Belkasoft.
16. Presented a Lecture on Cybersecurity and National Security, in a webinar organized by the University of South Wales (May 2023).
17. Lead Facilitator of Cybersecurity Training for officers of Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC). (October 2023)
18. Speaker at the Africa ICT Alliance (AfICTA) Southern Africa Webinar. Topic – Fighting Disinformation as a Prominent Cybersecurity Challenge.
19. Paper presentation at ASIS sub-Saharan African Security Conference
20. Lead Facilitator of a one-week training on Digital Forensics and Incident Response, organized in partnership with the National Open University of Nigeria. The course had 35 participants drawn from EFCC, ICPC, Nigeria Police Force, Nigeria Navy, NITDA, Federal Ministry of Justice, Nigeria Immigration Service, Nigeria Customs Service, Baze University, Nile University, NDIC, Galaxy Backbone, etc.
21. Participated in the consultation on legal framework on cybercrime, on the invitation of the Solicitor General of the federation. This was organized by the Federal Ministry of Justice in partnership with Council of Europe, OCWAR-C. (July 2023).
22. Delivered paper at the Nigeria Cybersecurity Summit. Topic – The African Cybersecurity Landscape: Challenges and Roadblock.
23. Facilitated Data Recovery Training for Staff of NDIC, Lagos.
24. Facilitated training on Data Governance and Privacy, for staff of NNPC, held in Accra Ghana.
25. Co-Authored Book Chapter: The Vision of 6G Security and Privacy. Book Chapter. Published by the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET). Book Title: Security and Privacy Schemes for Dense 6G Wireless Communication Networks.
26. Lead the team at Digital Forensics in delivering several critical digital forensic investigations.
27. Served in the Committee on Strategies for Effective Information Technology Deployment in MDAs, set up by the President of the Nigeria Computer Society.
Mrs. Jane Mutua

Designation: ICT Manager, Railway Training Institute
Nationality: Nairobi, Kenya
Exemplary performance in the ICT profession and long-serving years.
Mr Rimmon Kisten

Designation: Managing Director, Icon Information Systems Pty Ltd
Nationality: Joburg, South Africa
I am writing to enthusiastically nominate Rimmon Kisten for the prestigious Africa IT Champion award. As someone deeply involved in the tech industry, I have had the privilege of witnessing Rimmon's exceptional contributions and remarkable achievements in the field of Information Technology.
Rimmon has consistently demonstrated outstanding proficiency and innovation in various aspects of IT, ranging from Cybersecurity, IT Projects and innovative technologies. His dedication to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the tech sector is truly inspiring.
What sets Rimmon apart is not only their technical expertise but also their commitment to community-building and mentorship. He has been instrumental in local IITPSA and National IITPSA initiatives.
Moreover, Rimmon has shown remarkable leadership skills in managing teams, leading projects, and initiating innovative solutions.
In addition to their technical prowess, Rimmon possesses exceptional communication skills, which enable them to convey complex technical concepts in an accessible and engaging manner.
I firmly believe that Rimmon is an outstanding candidate for the Africa IT Champion award, and their contributions have not only enriched the IT landscape but also inspired countless individuals in the African tech community.
Thank you for considering my nomination of Rimmon Kisten for this esteemed recognition. I am confident that their exemplary work and dedication to the advancement of IT in Africa make them highly deserving candidates.
ICT Personality Award Nominees
Mr Hakizimana Jeremie

Designation: Consultant in Project Management, Peacebuilding, Content Editor and Translation
Nationality: Bujumbura, Burundi
As a young man from a minority people in Africa, he deserves an award for his activities, empowerment, and innovation for our community.
Mr Amged B Shwehdy

Designation: Chairperson, Ānhi Innovation
Nationality: Tripoli, Libya
In addition to this groundbreaking achievement, Mr. Shwehdy is at the forefront of digital policy reform in Libya. His leadership extends to spearheading numerous initiatives focused on digital policy, media literacy, and cybersecurity. These initiatives not only aim to modernize Libya's digital landscape but also to fortify its cyber infrastructure and educate its citizenry on the responsible use of digital platforms.
His multifaceted academic and professional pursuits underscore his unwavering dedication to bridging the digital divide between Libya and the global community. It is for these reasons that I wholeheartedly nominate Mr. Amged B Shwehdy for the Africa Award, as his work epitomizes the transformative power of technology in catalyzing sustainable development.
Dr Mohamed Hamed

Designation: Chief Technology Officer, Ceramica Platino
Nationality: Cairo, Egypt
C-Level Technology Consultant. Well experience with 25 years in the information technology and security Executive Management Positions, As I have been exposed to many aspects of Information Technology, I have acquired knowledge in most IT infrastructure solutions.
I would thrive when challenged by new IT ideas and innovative applications of technology Specialties:
IT infrastructure solutions in (Artificial intelligence / Internet of Things (IoT) / Machine learning / digital transformation ) , with all Microsoft Systems & Applications, Oracle Applications and SAP Applications.
- I have strong technical and business qualifications, i have experience with different industries including Hospitality, manufacturing, Fintech, Medical, Food, Travel and Booking, LMS , and E-commerce.
* I have experience in creating strategies, and road maps and executing projects and programs, running day-to-day operations, i have a unique mix of being familiar with large companies ، medium size and startups.
- I have strong knowledge Network Active and Passive components, Computer technical support and troubleshooting, Cisco, Mikrotik, Ubiquiti, Fortinet technologies, Microsoft Messaging Systems, hotel applications Wireless networks, (CCTV/IP) Cams, telephony systems(VoIP/PBX) any other used software, Identify current and future system needs and provide. Solutions to match them, fully understand the legal requirements on IT governance and security. For any IT projects costing/Planning will be an add-on to contributing to increasing the business value by developing the actions, E-commerce strategies and digital marketing to grow property revenues, Creating and maintaining the I.T Budgets, I.T JOB Descriptions, I.T-Operations guide, For a Long term vision and strategic plans to assist effectively running the Information technology operation in addition to growth the business markets results.
Mr Rimmon Kisten

Designation: Managing Director, Icon Information Systems Pty Ltd
Nationality: Joburg, South Africa
I am writing to enthusiastically nominate Rimmon Kisten for the prestigious Africa IT Champion award. As someone deeply involved in the tech industry, I have had the privilege of witnessing Rimmon's exceptional contributions and remarkable achievements in the field of Information Technology.
Rimmon has consistently demonstrated outstanding proficiency and innovation in various aspects of IT, ranging from Cybersecurity, IT Projects and innovative technologies. His dedication to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the tech sector is truly inspiring.
What sets Rimmon apart is not only their technical expertise but also their commitment to community-building and mentorship. He has been instrumental in local IITPSA and National IITPSA initiatives.
Moreover, Rimmon has shown remarkable leadership skills in managing teams, leading projects, and initiating innovative solutions.
In addition to their technical prowess, Rimmon possesses exceptional communication skills, which enable them to convey complex technical concepts in an accessible and engaging manner.
I firmly believe that Rimmon is an outstanding candidate for the Africa IT Champion award, and their contributions have not only enriched the IT landscape but also inspired countless individuals in the African tech community.
Thank you for considering my nomination of Rimmon Kisten for this esteemed recognition. I am confident that their exemplary work and dedication to the advancement of IT in Africa make them highly deserving candidates.
Dr Krishnan Ranganath

Designation: West Africa Regional Executive, Africa Data Centres
Nationality: India, Nigeria
Dr. Krishnan Ranganath is instrumental to the proliferation of data centres in Nigeria, which is, in turn, making the hosting of data and content local today in the country. This has significantly addressed the issues of capital flight and reduced the cost of data in Nigeria. I personally believe that he deserves some recognition.
Mr Ahmed Wattar

Designation: Group Information Technology Director, Alfa Medical Group
Nationality: Cairo, Egypt
When talking about teams, we are talking about my second family in my work, I strongly believe in the power of a team and the importance of investing time and effort to elevate the team through continuous mentoring and coaching relationships, and fostering a healthy work-life balance environment, only then the team will reach their highest potential that through it they can become an asset for their organization and be able to achieve the business goals with ease.
My team achieved a lot and all of my achievements mentioned in the first pillar were achieved all thanks to them, so my achievements are theirs, but I can tell you that they did so through embracing my ways of team building and becoming mentors on their own, blow are some of the ways I encourage my team to believe in and embrace in order to become future leaders.
• Continuous Learning, Collaboration, and Knowledge Sharing:
All the team must have strong updated knowledge in IT, and that is done through (workshops, seminars, or conferences, and staying updated with IT trends), it is also crucial to encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing through (cross-functional projects, team meetings, and regular communication channels) so that in the end they can contribute to the business and the department with ease.
• Building a Diverse Team:
Recruiting great calibers, that have a combination of (amazing attitudes, strong different backgrounds, experiences, and technical skill sets), is key for building a diverse team that can foster creativity, innovation, and a broader knowledge base.
• Regular Performance Feedback, Skill Assessments, and Development Plans:
Believing that “Mistakes are the portal of discovery, and that making a mistake is proof that you are trying”, providing timely and constructive feedback that highlights areas of improvement and acknowledgment of achievements, helps the team members understand their strengths and weaknesses, and provides guidance for their professional growth, combining that with development plans strategies will enhance the expertise of the organization's IT team making them eager to learn more to benefit their organization.
• Creating a friendly team environment, combined with continuous mentoring and coaching:
I believe that fostering a positive and friendly atmosphere within your team is key to having one amazing department that can achieve anything, and that from my point of view can only happen by Encouraging open communication where team members feel comfortable expressing their ideas, concerns, and feedback. Promote mutual trust and respect among team members, encourage collaboration rather than competition, and emphasize the importance of supporting and uplifting one another.
Ms Thoko Miya

Designation: Member Board Of Directors, ISOC-ZA
Nationality: Cape Town, South Africa
Thokozile P. Miya is a phenomenal women, a woman of grace, a woman of fortitude and a woman who is not afraid to experiment but at the core of her being, at the drumbeat of her heart, she is a woman who inspires women. Thokozile P. Miya would be a worthy recipient of the Fabulous Woman of the Year Award, the Pull Her Up (Sisterhood) Award, and or of the Humanitarian Award.
A woman who does good for other women with no incentive involved. A renegade soldier-sister for the upliftment and advancement of girls. She is a giver – she gives with her whole heart and soul and mind. A die hard feminist, a humanitarian, a women’s rights and an advocate for the rights of girls from all around the world – especially from the kasi. This young woman has dedicated the entire length and span of her career as a female professional to the advancement of women and girls from all around the world, From South Africa and the USA.
Empowering women through technology by teaching them code, acquiring tech jobs and tech-startup internships for post-matric school leavers and unemployed youth from the township, bootstrapping school material through her own funds and running exciting mentorship projects and programmes for young woman. Her work with high school girls in Cape Town is entirely out of the goodness of her heart.
She bears and earns no reward for the work she does and relies entirely on her good charm and spirit to continue making money for her organisations to continue to flourish. Thokozile truly embodies a humanitarian and all round Fabulous Woman. She would be a worthy recipient of a Fabulous Woman award and this nomination goes to say thank you to her for the hard work that she does. To let her know that there are people watching and that we salute her for her hard work. I nominate her for her
selfless courage as a young woman, not only for her patient dedication but for her selfless love of her mentee high-school girls.
As the current Programme Director at Girlhype NPC, working in her field of qualifications as a journalist, media and marketing coordinator and following in her passion of opening up her own business, Thokozile P. Miya is growing from strength to strength as a young woman but nothing she has ever done has she done alone and she gives a lot of credit. She has a team of supportive mentors, women in business and female networks which look out for her and her students at Girlhype (www.girlhype.co.za ). She goes out of her way to make sure that they have nothing but the best. This April she gave away donated matric dance dresses to young women from Khayelitsha Townships and Mitchelles Plain Cape Flats because she believes that every young woman
deserves a chance at life and at attending their school leaving ceremony. A kind and naturally spirited mentor and mentee who always has the next generation of girls at heart. The dresses were donated by the women of BriteHouse to Girlhype Fairy Code Mother Project and are part of an ongoing series of donation activities organized by Thoko planned to go on throughout the
With her mom Baratang Miya, Thoko has helped to train 1000’s of young women in technology. Teaching them how to code in HTML, CSS and C++ (building websites) and in JavaScript, PHP, React, (teaching them how to build mobile applications, websites and games) and empowering them with the new, unique and innovative technologies and opportunities which are present in today’s world. This young woman believes that with the 4th industrial revolution technology is the future of the world and that if not enough is done to ensure that this technology revolution includes women and girls, there will
be no future for our generations of girls within the technology industrializing world. Her work is really selfless.
Thokozile lives for the advancement of women all around the world. Making sure that every young woman she meets is put in contact with a mentor in industry and that each and every one of them walks the path in life which allows for them to be at their very greatest. Thokozile is a mentor, a friend and companion to 100’s of young women from Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain areas in Cape Town South Africa, teaching them how to code but also providing the young girls with what she has dubbed the experience of learning. In many of her talks she talks about being educated and self-educated from being a rebel youth and how when she found out the power of technology she was very interested. When she started working she saw that not many of the girls around her had access to understanding what work is and eventually came to realize that learning has got to be experiential.
This is at the core of what she advocates for in an experiential learning tech based curriculum. Travelling to schools during the week teaching coding classes. Speaking to principals and business women to make sure that the next generation of girls is well looked after. Thokozile really works with and mentors many young girls through life and her efforts are without recognition or attempt. She, is a very poised young lady
A unique opportunity presents itself as a female from a previously disadvantaged background having educated herself. A rebel for change and an advocate for women’s rights. Thoko provides the next generation of women and girls with the tools and accessories they need in order for them to be able to reach their full potential and she is great because she provides them this opportunity in every sphere of their lives.
The class room is a personal environment to her. Really – she is a role model to them. She holds them all to high regard and hope to allow them all to grow and become the people they want to be through me and through the other women around me. She hopes to be able to bridge the gap for every young woman to be able to be her absolute best self in every way that she can be, despite her circumstances. I think her hope for every young woman to be able to grow and become a success is highly
I believe that every young woman should have the chance to have their work looked towards and that there is a lot of potential for there to be mentorship and opportunity of young women in technology – through mentorship and skills. Thoko believes in creating a life beyond their wildest dreams and that’s the wonderful thing about her, why I am nominating her. She is passionate. Please consider this young woman for the award. She is really brilliant at what she does.
Africa CIO Award Nominees
Dr Mohamed Hamed

Designation: Chief Technology Officer, Ceramica Platino
Nationality: Cairo, Egypt
C-Level Technology Consultant. Well experience with 25 years in the information technology and security Executive Management Positions, As I have been exposed to many aspects of Information Technology, I have acquired knowledge in most IT infrastructure solutions.
I would thrive when challenged by new IT ideas and innovative applications of technology Specialties:
IT infrastructure solutions in (Artificial intelligence / Internet of Things (IoT) / Machine learning / digital transformation ) , with all Microsoft Systems & Applications, Oracle Applications and SAP Applications.
- I have strong technical and business qualifications, i have experience with different industries including Hospitality, manufacturing, Fintech, Medical, Food, Travel and Booking, LMS , and E-commerce.
* I have experience in creating strategies, and road maps and executing projects and programs, running day-to-day operations, i have a unique mix of being familiar with large companies ، medium size and startups.
- I have strong knowledge Network Active and Passive components, Computer technical support and troubleshooting, Cisco, Mikrotik, Ubiquiti, Fortinet technologies, Microsoft Messaging Systems, hotel applications Wireless networks, (CCTV/IP) Cams, telephony systems(VoIP/PBX) any other used software, Identify current and future system needs and provide. Solutions to match them, fully understand the legal requirements on IT governance and security. For any IT projects costing/Planning will be an add-on to contributing to increasing the business value by developing the actions, E-commerce strategies and digital marketing to grow property revenues, Creating and maintaining the I.T Budgets, I.T JOB Descriptions, I.T-Operations guide, For a Long term vision and strategic plans to assist effectively running the Information technology operation in addition to growth the business markets results.
Mr Ahmed Wattar

Designation: Group Information Technology Director, Alfa Medical Group
Nationality: Cairo, Egypt
Since joining (AMG), our department projects, achievements, initiatives, leadership & management style reshaped and transformed the way CXO level and managers across other departments in the group perspective of IT, from a service department to a profit department.
As we demonstrated how IT is now a business enabler and how successful businesses are now driven by IT, combining that with my role of translating the digital transformation achievements and initiatives taken by our side as IT to actual numbers and profit, through reforming the data we got such as (SLA, XLA, Users satisfaction reports, systems response, digital platforms profits, …) to dashboards and numbers that CXO level understands, that made them believe more in the importance of the role of IT and the ROI of investing in technology.
Mr Arnaud Gahimbare

Designation: Senior Information Technology Officer, CASSOA
Nationality: Burundi
Africa Innovation Award Nominees
Mr Joshua Obed
Designation: Managing Director, Gugu Robotics
Nationality: Abuja, Nigeria
I, Joshua Obed, humbly believe that I am deserving of this award. As an African innovator, my passion lies in leveraging artificial intelligence to tackle challenges across various industries. From utilizing drones in farming to improving health systems, enhancing surveillance capabilities, and revolutionizing education, I have been at the forefront of developing AI projects that have the power to transform lives.
In the realm of agriculture, I have developed AI-powered drones that optimize crop management, ensuring efficient and sustainable farming practices. By providing real-time data on soil conditions, crop health, and water usage, these drones empower farmers to make data-driven decisions and increase their yields.
In the realm of surveillance, I have implemented AI-powered drones and Robots prototype equipped with advanced cameras and sensors, enabling more effective monitoring and threat detection. These drones have been vital in enhancing security measures and ensuring the safety of communities.
Lastly, acknowledging the critical role education plays in shaping the future, I have developed AI-driven platforms that personalize learning experiences. By utilizing adaptive learning algorithms, I aim to empower students and educators with tailored resources and support, fostering a more inclusive and effective educational environment, both in AI robotics.
Throughout my journey as an African innovator, I have strived to address local challenges with global solutions. My dedication to building AI projects that tackle issues in agriculture, healthcare, surveillance, and education demonstrates my commitment to creating positive impact in the world. I am truly honored to be considered for this award, and I look forward to continuing my mission of leveraging AI to shape a better future for all.
Dr Mohamed Hamed

Designation: Chief Technology Officer, Ceramica Platino
Nationality: Cairo, Egypt
C-Level Technology Consultant. Well experience with 25 years in the information technology and security Executive Management Positions, As I have been exposed to many aspects of Information Technology, I have acquired knowledge in most IT infrastructure solutions.
I would thrive when challenged by new IT ideas and innovative applications of technology Specialties:
IT infrastructure solutions in (Artificial intelligence / Internet of Things (IoT) / Machine learning / digital transformation ) , with all Microsoft Systems & Applications, Oracle Applications and SAP Applications.
- I have strong technical and business qualifications, i have experience with different industries including Hospitality, manufacturing, Fintech, Medical, Food, Travel and Booking, LMS , and E-commerce.
* I have experience in creating strategies, and road maps and executing projects and programs, running day-to-day operations, i have a unique mix of being familiar with large companies ، medium size and startups.
- I have strong knowledge Network Active and Passive components, Computer technical support and troubleshooting, Cisco, Mikrotik, Ubiquiti, Fortinet technologies, Microsoft Messaging Systems, hotel applications Wireless networks, (CCTV/IP) Cams, telephony systems(VoIP/PBX) any other used software, Identify current and future system needs and provide. Solutions to match them, fully understand the legal requirements on IT governance and security. For any IT projects costing/Planning will be an add-on to contributing to increasing the business value by developing the actions, E-commerce strategies and digital marketing to grow property revenues, Creating and maintaining the I.T Budgets, I.T JOB Descriptions, I.T-Operations guide, For a Long term vision and strategic plans to assist effectively running the Information technology operation in addition to growth the business markets results.
Mr Rimmon Kisten

Designation: Managing Director, Icon Information Systems Pty Ltd
Nationality: Joburg, South Africa
I am writing to enthusiastically nominate Rimmon Kisten for the prestigious Africa IT Champion award. As someone deeply involved in the tech industry, I have had the privilege of witnessing Rimmon's exceptional contributions and remarkable achievements in the field of Information Technology.
Rimmon has consistently demonstrated outstanding proficiency and innovation in various aspects of IT, ranging from Cybersecurity, IT Projects and innovative technologies. His dedication to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the tech sector is truly inspiring.
What sets Rimmon apart is not only their technical expertise but also their commitment to community-building and mentorship. He has been instrumental in local IITPSA and National IITPSA initiatives.
Moreover, Rimmon has shown remarkable leadership skills in managing teams, leading projects, and initiating innovative solutions.
In addition to their technical prowess, Rimmon possesses exceptional communication skills, which enable them to convey complex technical concepts in an accessible and engaging manner.
I firmly believe that Rimmon is an outstanding candidate for the Africa IT Champion award, and their contributions have not only enriched the IT landscape but also inspired countless individuals in the African tech community.
Thank you for considering my nomination of Rimmon Kisten for this esteemed recognition. I am confident that their exemplary work and dedication to the advancement of IT in Africa make them highly deserving candidates.
Mrs. Nandipha Ntsaluba

Designation: Strategist and legal support Department of Military Veterans, South Africa
Nationality: Rustenburg, South Africa
Ms Houda Chihi

Designation: Senior researcher, Innov’COM Laboratory of Sup’COM Tunisia
Nationality: Tunis, Tunisia
Houda CHIHI : i am a PhD in telecommunication , senior researcher at
Innov’COM Laboratory of Sup’COM Tunisia, Techwomen Fellow 2019, senior
engineer at Tunisie Telecom. My research field includes wireless
communication,signal processing, vehicular communication, green
communication,mobile communication. I am a member of ISOC chapter Tunisia ,
member of AUESG , member of NCSG ICANN and reviewer in many IEEE
conferences. From my childhood i am passionate about new technologies and
want working in engineering field. For this after my baccalaureate i got a
Telecommunication Bachelor degree . After that i felt that i want to learn more for
this I continued my MSC and my PhD in Telecommunication field too and i got my
degree with Honor. After my PhD i worked as a temporary assistant in many
engineering schools well ranked in Tunisia such as Sup’COM, ISET'COM, ESPRIT,
I was selected as TechWomen Emerging Leader which is a funded program by IIE of
US in 2019. I heard about TechWomen from a delegation trip and I knew that I
want to be part of it. I knew that with all my achievements Techwomen program
was my key to build new contacts over the wold and to get the opportunity to visit
and got training in leadership and soft skills from a great companies such as :
Linkedin, Facebook, Salesforce, Twitter, Symantec. I got the opportunity to spend a
professional mentorship at Qualcomm California where I learned about 5G,
V2X, WIFI 6 technologies. I am an international speaker and trainer such that:
Participation as a speaker into Connectivity Day,"Overview About 5G
network slicing," Mext B2B Metaverse platform 2023.
Participation as a speaker; " Building a successful career in Tech," at African
Seasoned Speakers Network, 2023.
Participation as a panelist into web conference «Ransomware ou
Rançongiciel, vos données prises en otage !» One Africa Forums 2023.
Participation as a panelist at African Education Forum, " Exploiting new
technologies for Education, " May 2023.
Participation at 2023 FIRST & AfricaCERT Regional Symposium as a virtual
speaker where my talk is about AI and Cybersecurity, March 2023.
Participation as speaker into international rights of women in Togo,"
Women and Technology," 12 March 2023.
Invited Podcaster at Women Who Code, January 2023.
Invited Speaker at African Seasoned Speakers Network February 2023.
Participation as speaker at CyFy Conference about "Boon, Bane or Bust: Can
Our Planet Survive Tech? held in New Delhi from 26 to 28 October 2022.
Invited Speaker ,"5G Network Slicing " at Advanced Connectivity / 5G day
organized by MUST (March 23 2022).
Invited Speaker at IEEE WIE Oman section ," Tech Careers for Women" on
March 27 2022.
Invited Speaker at IEEE Mysore subsection, "Tips to boost your Research
career " March 31 2022.
Invited Speaker at IEEE Computer Science Chapter of Indonesia «
Women in technology ». April 2021.
Invited Speaker at 5G Colloquium India , " Network slicing in 5G", July 2021.
Africa Community Development Award Nominees
Mr Hakizimana Jeremie

Designation: Consultant in Project Management, Peacebuilding, Content Editor and Translation
Nationality: Bujumbura, Burundi
As a young man from a minority people in Africa, he deserves an award for his activities, empowerment, and innovation for our community.
Mr Robinson Tombari Sibe

Designation: Co-Founder, CEO & Lead Forensic Examiner Digital Footprints Nig. Ltd
Nationality: Nigeria
1. Lecture and supervise projects in Digital Forensics and cybersecurity, at the National Open University. This is done pro bono as part my contribution to bridge the cybersecurity skills gap in Nigeria.
2. Lead Facilitator in Cybercrime investigation training for Cybercrime unit of the Nigeria Police Force. This was done pro bono as part of Digital Footprint’s corporate social responsibility, to boost the forensic capability and readiness of the Nigeria Police Force. (January 2023).
3. Lead Facilitator for a training for the Cybercrime Unit of the Federal Ministry of Justice. This was done pro bono as part of Digital Footprint’s corporate social responsibility, to boost the forensic capability and readiness of the justice system. (February 2023).
4. Mentors entry level young trainees at his Digital Forensic Laboratory, Abuja. In the year under review (2023), the Laboratory produced two EC-Council Certified Computer Hacking Forensic Examiner (CHFI) and two EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), among many other certifications. He ensured that this was fully paid for by Digital Footprints. This is part of his commitment to bridge the skills gap and train youths on the positive use of technology.
5. Serves in the Sectoral Advisory Board of the Africa Centre of Excellence for Enhanced Learning (ACETEL), a world bank centre of excellence at the National Open University of Nigeria. This is done pro bono.
6. Delivered the several keynotes and presentations at key tech events in Nigeria, Africa, and the rest of the world (Pro bono).
7. Served as Lead Facilitator of a one-week training on Digital Forensics and Incident Response, organized in partnership with the National Open University of Nigeria. The course had 35 participants drawn from EFCC, ICPC, Nigeria Police Force, Nigeria Navy, NITDA, Federal Ministry of Justice, Nigeria Immigration Service, Nigeria Customs Service, Baze University, Nile University, NDIC, Galaxy Backbone, etc. In partnership with National Open University of Nigeria, one scholarship slot was given to each of the federal institutions participated.
8. Participated in the consultation on legal framework on cybercrime, on the invitation of the Solicitor General of the federation. This was organized by the Federal Ministry of Justice in partnership with Council of Europe, OCWAR-C. (July 2023).
9. Served in the Committee on Strategies for Effective Information Technology Deployment in MDAs, set up by the President of the Nigeria Computer Society.
10. Continues to mentor and support young people, including people school fees for his students (brilliant but financially challenged) in the university (Computer Engineering Department, Rivers State University).
Mrs. Nandipha Ntsaluba

Designation: Strategist and Legal Support, Department of Military Veterans, South Africa
Nationality: Rustenburg, South Africa
A leader of note, a diverse and multi-skilled woman who embraces the nation with her unconditional devotion and education to the underprivileged. She has qualifications and experience in The NQF Framework, SAQA Policies, Further Education and Training Act, Skills Development Act, and founding documents for SETAs from Industry Training Boards. Together with DOL developed the career routing concept with the Department of Education for the Youth Development Programme.
Advocate Nandipha Ntsaluba is a selfless leader who has grown in the corporate ranks and is knowledgeable in various subjects that in include the ICT and where she renders legal advice. She has made serious strides in her contribution to the ICT environment. As the Deputy Chairperson of the National Coordinating Committee for PAIA Implementation, she developed the ICTS cluster's Data Governance Policy to ensure GDPR and POPIA compliance in creating and deploying the Military Veterans on the Home Affairs MIlitary Veterans Data Management System. She has also groomed many ICT professionals to grow in their careers and continues to embrace the Cyber Security concepts.
Dr Mohamed Hamed

Designation: Chief Technology Officer, Ceramica Platino
Nationality: Cairo, Egypt
C-Level Technology Consultant. Well experience with 25 years in the information technology and security Executive Management Positions, As I have been exposed to many aspects of Information Technology, I have acquired knowledge in most IT infrastructure solutions.
I would thrive when challenged by new IT ideas and innovative applications of technology Specialties:
IT infrastructure solutions in (Artificial intelligence / Internet of Things (IoT) / Machine learning / digital transformation ) , with all Microsoft Systems & Applications, Oracle Applications and SAP Applications.
- I have strong technical and business qualifications, i have experience with different industries including Hospitality, manufacturing, Fintech, Medical, Food, Travel and Booking, LMS , and E-commerce.
* I have experience in creating strategies, and road maps and executing projects and programs, running day-to-day operations, i have a unique mix of being familiar with large companies ، medium size and startups.
- I have strong knowledge Network Active and Passive components, Computer technical support and troubleshooting, Cisco, Mikrotik, Ubiquiti, Fortinet technologies, Microsoft Messaging Systems, hotel applications Wireless networks, (CCTV/IP) Cams, telephony systems(VoIP/PBX) any other used software, Identify current and future system needs and provide. Solutions to match them, fully understand the legal requirements on IT governance and security. For any IT projects costing/Planning will be an add-on to contributing to increasing the business value by developing the actions, E-commerce strategies and digital marketing to grow property revenues, Creating and maintaining the I.T Budgets, I.T JOB Descriptions, I.T-Operations guide, For a Long term vision and strategic plans to assist effectively running the Information technology operation in addition to growth the business markets results.

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