AfICTA Proposal Selected for the Virtual 15th IGF Meeting

The outcome of the workshop proposal review and selection process conducted by IGF- Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Group (IGF-MAG) on overall 365 submitted workshop proposals, has revealed that 89 proposals have sailed through among which is AfICTA's proposal "#165 Unlocking the Digital Potential of the DLDC (Part II)" which was submitted to the IGF Secretariat on April 22 this year. This is the second time in a row that AfICTA's proposal to the IGF was selected.

According to the group, the evaluation process was very complex and competitive, as stakeholders from around the world submitted proposals of very good quality. IGF MAG further sent a congratulatory message to AfICTA on the great achievement and also appreciates her critical contributions to building a strong IGF 2020 programme of relevance to all stakeholders and regional groups.

As you may have known that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fifteenth meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) would fully hold online. The IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) together with the IGF Secretariat and UN DESA have begun preparations and consultations on how best to carry out this virtual IGF annual meeting and will keep you updated on the progress. The Government of Poland will now host the IGF 2021 Annual Meeting in Katowice in the 4th quarter of next year and the Governments of Ethiopia and Japan will be hosting the IGF annual meetings in 2022 and 2023, respectively, pending organizational arrangement.

The 15th annual IGF programme will have an adjusted design to the full-online hosting under the overarching theme: Internet for human resilience and solidarity. The meeting will be officially opened on 9 November and closed on 17 November. During this 7-day phase, workshops, main sessions, the high-level leader's track, parliamentarians roundtable and thematic concluding sessions will be hosted.

The programme continues to develop around the four main thematic tracks: (1) Data; (2) Environment; (3) Inclusion; (4) Trust and for further update please check here.

AfICTA - Africa Information & Communication Technologies Alliance is a concerned private sector led alliance of ICT Associations, Multi-national Corporations, Companies, Organisations and individuals in the ICT sector in Africa.

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