1st AfICTA Nigeria Webinar

One of the major issues that plague the IP Protection Industry is the retention of IP rights and this stems from the systemic unavailability of local sources of funding which encourages innovators especially in the IT sector to retain businesses within the Nation’s GDP. Venture Capitalist, often tagged as visionaries in the corporate world, don’t give out money for the sake of it but rather buy the rights to the IP of businesses which in the grand scheme of things would prove unsustainable because it affects the Nation’s GDP as a chunk of the revenue is succeeded to businesses that are not indigenous to the Country.

Join us at the webinar as we have important discussions on policies that develop a sustainable framework for capital funding at least on an equal footing for innovative businesses in the digital ecosystem with the sole purpose of ensuring IP retention in Nigeria especially in the sectors growing exponentially such as the AgroTech, Fintech, EduTech and MedTech.

Theme: Right Policies For IP Creation And Retention In Nigeria 

Date: November 18, 2021

Time: 10:00 am (GMT) i.e 11:00 am Nigeria, 12:00 pm Cairo/Namibia/SA, 01:00 pm Tanzania/Kenya/Nairobi/Addis Ababa. Check your local time here

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