
The 19th Annual IGF Meeting Will Happen in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The 19th IGF on "Building our Multistakeholder Digital Future" will be held at the King Abdulaziz International Conference Center (KAICC) in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 15 to 19 December 2024. Registrations are now open

The programme is being shaped according to the four main themes

  • Harnessing innovation and balancing risks in the digital space
  • Enhancing the digital contribution to peace, development, and sustainability
  • Advancing human rights and inclusion in the digital age
  • Improving Digital Governance for the Internet We Want

AfICTA - Africa ICT Alliance will organize a workshop session titled "Addressing the Challenges of Digital Sovereignty in DLDCs" and we welcome your participation.

NB: All online and onsite participants must register through the UN Accreditation System. It is required to create an account at this UN Accreditation System beforehand (if not owning one yet) and register electronically prior to the event. Technical support is available in case of issues in this process.

Register now and prepare to be a part of our session and other sessions of interest.

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