
Register to Attend AfICTA’s 16th Quarterly eConference

 The AU Digital Agenda 2030: Achievable or Unattainable?In Africa's pursuit of sustainable development and inclusive economic growth in the area of technological advancement, the African Union's (AU) Digital Agenda 2030 stands as a transformative vision. This agenda is designed to leverage the potential of digital technologies to drive economic diversification, bridge socio-economic disparities, and position Africa as a globally competitive digital economy. However, the visionary goals of this digital roadmap face numerous challenges, such as infrastructure deficits, policy gaps, governance issues, and limited access to digital tools across the continent.

The 16th AfICTA eConference is being organized by the West African region purposely to engage stakeholders from across Africa and beyond in a robust discussion on the AU Digital Agenda 2030, examining its feasibility and identifying the practical steps needed to achieve its objectives. This session will bring together industry experts, policymakers, innovators, and thought leaders to evaluate the state of digital transformation across Africa and assess whether the agenda's aspirations are realistic or unattainable given the current circumstances.


  1. To examine the current progress of the AU Digital Agenda 2030 - Analyze the implementation of digital policies, infrastructure development, and key milestones across African nations.
  2. To explore the role of collaboration - Delve into the importance of public-private partnerships, regional cooperation, and international support in achieving the digital transformation goals.
  3. To evaluate the challenges and barriers - Discuss the barriers to achieving the AU Digital Agenda 2030, including financing gaps, policy bottlenecks, and socio-economic challenges.
  4. To identify opportunities for accelerating digital transformation -Explore innovative solutions, best practices, and strategic interventions that could unlock the potential of the agenda and make its targets achievable.
  5. To foster dialogue between stakeholders -Encourage knowledge exchange and collaboration among policymakers, industry leaders, and civil society organizations to create synergies for the success of the AU Digital Agenda.

Key Discussion Areas

  1. The current state of digital infrastructure in Africa and its alignment with the AU Digital Agenda 2030.
  2. The role of governance, regulation, and policy harmonization in supporting digital transformation.
  3. Financing digital projects: Opportunities, challenges, and sustainable investment models.
  4. Building digital capacity: Addressing the digital skills gap, promoting innovation, and fostering entrepreneurship.
  5. Case studies of successful initiatives and lessons learned from both African and global perspectives.

The 16th AfICTA eConference will serve as a critical platform for reflecting on the visionary goals of the AU Digital Agenda 2030. By questioning its achievability, participants will engage in thought-provoking discussions, share expertise, and offer actionable recommendations to drive Africa’s digital transformation forward. Join us for a meaningful conversation on how we can make Africa’s digital future a reality while navigating the obstacles that stand in our way.

Register Now to Join the Discussion and Be Part of Africa’s Digital Future

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